Tag Archives: Religion and Spirituality

Longing for God

Some years ago I wrote a reflection on ‘longing for God’. As I read it again now I find that it’s still just as relevant for me now as then. As you read this be encouraged… God is no stranger to our unsettlednesses, our longings, our questions.

Psalm 42: 1-3: “As the deer pants for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. When can I come and stand before him? Day and night, I have only tears for food, while my enemies continually taunt me, saying, “Where is this God of yours?””

There are times when I am fully aware of my longing for God. It is so strong that my heart aches inside. At other times I have no awareness and am busy thinking and doing other things yet have felt so restless and unsettled. No matter what I put my hand to or think about in my mind it does not settle the unsettledness. What I believe is happening is that my deep longing for God is causing the unsettledness; I am dissatisfied with everything else. My deep being is crying out with longing for God. My outside being (my conscious self) is distracted with many things; some of these distractions may be my efforts to escape from my longing for God.

Then, too, there are my enemies who seems to whisper forever, “Where is this God of yours?” The demons are ever ready to throw this question at me when God seems not to be near, or seems not be hearing or paying attention.

My longing for God gets attacked by myself (the sinful self who is so full of self and does not want a competitor) or by the demons who do not want me to draw close to God in any way.

God knows this. He knows how to deliver me from the taunting demons. And, He knows how to work in my heart so my dissatisfaction deepens until I do turn to Him and am willing for Him to bring about the needed heart changes.

He has made clear in Scripture that He loves us and desires to fellowship with us. He has planted within us this deep longing for fellowship with Him, as well.

Copyright © 2003 Fran Woods

originally published at Bhojli Reflections


Five life-changing questions

Some questions to ponder. I don’t know about you but I often lose sight of the answers and find I’m anxious when I needn’t be. We do need to allow God to work his good things in our hearts and minds.

This comes from The Word for Today which often has some good things to think about. (I’ve made the 5 questions into separate paragraphs for reading ease.

Friday, 28 January 2011 00:00

‘Nothing can ever separate us from His love.’ Romans 8:38 NLT

Paul asks five life-changing questions you’d do well to think about:

(1) ‘If God is for us, who can ever be against us?’ (Romans 8:31 NLT) The presence of God tilts the scales forever in our direction. Really, who can hurt us?

(2) ‘Since God did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won’t God… also give us everything else?’ (Romans 8:32 NLT) Would God save our souls then leave us to fend for ourselves? Would He address our eternal needs and ignore our earthly ones? Of course not!

(3) ‘Who dares accuse us…? Will God? No! He is the one who has given us right standing with Himself.’ (Romans 8:33 NLT) Every voice that accuses you, including your own, means nothing in the court of Heaven. God’s acceptance trumps man’s rejection.

(4) ‘Who then will condemn us?… the One who died for us… is sitting at the place of highest honour next to God, pleading for us.’ (Romans 8:34 NLT) Let your accusers rise up and speak against you. Jesus, your defence attorney, silences them. Why? Because His grace covers you.

(5) ‘Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love?’ (Romans 8:35 NLT) Paul answers his own question: ‘Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can’t keep God’s love away…nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ (Romans 8:38-39 NLT) Isn’t that great?

SoulFood: Ecc 1-4, Luke 6:27-36, Ps 107:1-9, Pr 3:13-18

via The Word for Today.


Old Age

Good people will prosper like palm trees, grow tall like Lebanon cedars; transplanted to God’s courtyard, they’ll grow tall in the presence of God, lithe and green, virile still in old age. Psalm 92: 12-14 MSG

We can produce our greatest harvest of fruit in our final years. When the sun goes down the stars come out we can shine brightest in the closing chapters of our life. So why not live right up till the moment you die?

Old age is not a disease that we need to be healed of, rather it’s a normal progression of our life. God has promised that we will still be fruitful in old age (ie, if we allow it). Are we able to live with that promise? Or, do we like so many, try (in vain) to turn back the clock in an attempt to avoid the inevitable and so waste our creative energies on fretting about what’s happening to us, or do we use some other denial strategy?

God has good things for us in old age! Most definitely.

It’s time to grab hold of the promises of God about this, and though we might not be able to run, we can surely walk with a firm step and go for all God has for us!


Angry at God?

A recent article at EurekaAlert! reports on studies being undertaken by psychologist Julie Exline at Case Western Reserve University:

Angry at God? If so, you’re not alone, says CWRU psychologist.

This complements a post of mine at my Healing Prayer blog written back in 2006 — Angry at God?

Anger can be a healthy response to troublesome experiences (death, sickness, suffering, disappointments, etc). Stuffing anger is not a healthy response in any situation… it will pop up again, and maybe more intensely.

Whether a person believes in God or not, anger at life’s situations is directed “out there” at some “force” that is somehow causing our grief or suffering. It pays to look at it.

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