Good people will prosper like palm trees, grow tall like Lebanon cedars; transplanted to God’s courtyard, they’ll grow tall in the presence of God, lithe and green, virile still in old age. Psalm 92: 12-14 MSG
We can produce our greatest harvest of fruit in our final years. When the sun goes down the stars come out we can shine brightest in the closing chapters of our life. So why not live right up till the moment you die?
Old age is not a disease that we need to be healed of, rather it’s a normal progression of our life. God has promised that we will still be fruitful in old age (ie, if we allow it). Are we able to live with that promise? Or, do we like so many, try (in vain) to turn back the clock in an attempt to avoid the inevitable and so waste our creative energies on fretting about what’s happening to us, or do we use some other denial strategy?
God has good things for us in old age! Most definitely.
It’s time to grab hold of the promises of God about this, and though we might not be able to run, we can surely walk with a firm step and go for all God has for us!