Suffering of the Animals and the Land

I’ve been reading Hosea in the Old Testament. I’ve read it many times before but I’ve recently noticed a few verses in Hosea 4 (verses 1-3). Here’s what it says in the Living Translation:

“There is no faithfulness, no kindness, no knowledge of God in your land. You curse and lie and kill and steal and commit adultery. There is violence everywhere, with one murder after another. That is why your land is not producing. It is filled with sadness, and all living things are becoming sick and dying. Even the animals, birds, and fish have begun to disappear.”

My goodness, this sounds like a description of what is happening today all around the world! Watching the news, reading the newspaper, reading the news online gets to be pretty distressing with such an increase in unnatural events like murder, war, embezzlement, greed, etc. These have the consequence of polluting the land, polluting the world, polluting the very air we breathe. How many species of animals, birds and fish are now extinct or close to extinction? It seems that what Hosea had to say so very long ago is so very true for our now. Sometimes it seems so hopeless and I feel a “what’s-the-point” feeling creeping up trying to overtake me.
The world is filled with sadness, the land itself is sad. What reason has the animal world to fight to survive?
It makes me sad too.
However, there is hope. Hosea has the answer. It might not be palatable to many but I believe it is the way we should go. In the last chapter (chapter 14 verses 1-7), he speaks of our returning to God and of turning from our sinful ways. There’s some good promises in there.
Hosea is a good book to read. With very good advice to put into practice.  I encourage you to do so.
