Retreat Dream

The dream is for a small retreat centre where individuals can come to spend time alone with God: for renewal of hope, refreshment of body, rest from the weariness of the stresses of life, and whatever else God may have in mind for blessing and encouraging. Where hindrances occur there is opportunity for prayer with a person experienced in healing prayer.


There are two aspects of the background. The first is my own healing journey which began in earnest in 1980 and continues to this day. As my own journey has progressed, God has had me pray with others for similar healings all the way along. This ministry of healing prayer has grown enormously over the past 10 years. God heals broken hearts despite my own weakness (and maybe because of it). My own feeling is that He continues to teach and train me to pray His prayers with people in their journey of life out of brokenness, helplessness, and hopelessness.

The second aspect is to do with spiritual retreats, that is, helping others to listen to and hear God speak to them. This first began to surface while I was studying in Dallas back in the late 70’s. Much later in Chiang Mai God reignited the vision with the result that a prayer room at my house became a reality with a number of grants from interested individuals and churches. Many took advantage of the prayer room, and most were deeply blessed by God.

Mission Statement

My mission statement these past couple of years has boiled down to be:

Helping people hear God and praying with them through issues that hinder that.

And that continues to be the mission statement for the envisioned retreat centre.

The retreat centre is still very much in the early stages of development. 2.5 acres of lovely fertile land at Majors Creek in the Southern Tablelands of NSW. MaJors Creek is an old gold mining area with loads of history and delightful character.

Photos of the property can be seen at: My Majors Creek on Flicker

(A fuller version of this document will eventually be available for download)


Renewing hope in hopeless times