“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are” 1 John 3:1 NIV.
God didn’t make us because He was bored, lonely, or had run out of things to do. He created us to be the objects of His love! Sometimes our actions make us unlovely, but we are never unloved. And because God loves us – we have value. And nobody can take that value away. (www.thewordfortoday.com.au)
I am very grateful for God’s love! I am loved by him. In our world today it does seem as though love is losing out. Pure unadulterated unearned love is hard to find. How many of us have grown up with the kind of statement that says, “Mummy (or Daddy) won’t love you if you’re naughty”? For most of us we’ve found that love is conditional on our being “good”, producing within us an often unidentified anxiety that somehow we’ve been “bad” and so aren’t lovable. :”Love” and “being good” are not contingent on one another. We need to experience more of the kind of love God has for us… pure, unconditional, unchanging, dependable, and whatever other words you can add to describe how it is for you.
Bless you today!